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At Ye Old Herb Barn, we believe that true healing can only occur if three things are in balance. Those things are body, mind and spirit. If any of them are not truly in balance, then physical and emotional imbalances occur and cause problems. We are dedicated to serving others by teaching them how they can achieve true health. We offer several wellness assessments, both in-person and by internet. We hold local classes on various topics related to holistic health, as well as webinars and conference calls. Please check our calendar for more information. We are dedicated to your health and wellness. We believe that education is the key to making informed choices about your own health. Your health IS your responsibility!
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NATURE'S SUNSHINE - 40 years & still going strong! Best quality, best price. Order Nature's Sunshine Supplements. View our A to Z product guide.
Monday, March 19, 2012
In the 1930s, Dr. Edward Bach, a surgeon from England, was searching for new natural ways to help people who had emotional issues. Through his studies of flowers and plants, he developed over three dozen flower essences that could be used as gentle flower remedies for many different emotional disturbances. As well as Dr. Bach, there have been many other researchers who have studied in this field. They all came to the same conclusions. The flower essence remedies worked, even if the mechanism for how, wasn't completely understood.

Recently, Nature’s Sunshine Products (NSP) has developed its own unique line flower remedies, called Flower Essences. These emotional remedies were formulated by author, lecturer and Master Herbalist Steven Horne. They only include flowers that are certified organic and grown in pristine wild-crafted habitats.

By reading the Flower Essence Repertory, Steven became an expert in the study of flower essences, which he has worked with for many years. He found that certain people were attracted to certain plants and flowers, and that it was no mere coincidence. Usually the flowers that people are attracted to have the perfect healing properties for their emotional issues. Through intensive reading and study, his understanding and perceptions of plants and flowers and how they relate to emotions grew.

As Steven experimented, his knowledge grew. He began to understand flower essences could be combined with herbs and nutrition to help produce a well rounded re-balancing of a mind, body and spirit.

“You may have heard the term Emotional First Aid Kit. I think every home should have one. Flower essences help people get through the basic emotional imbalances we go through in our lives.

“There’s a lot of anger and fear in our nation right now. Many people are suffering losses, whether with financial situations, the market, lost homes, jobs, loved ones, etc. I believe that people really need help processing their emotions. This is a product line whose time has come. I think we all have a unique opportunity to help others as they search for help in dealing with emotional issues.

“I’ve been doing emotional work for 25 years. It’s a huge part of what I do. When you include the emotional with the physical, you get much more dramatic results, and people feel better a lot faster. These flower remedies are unique. No one else has them or anything like them.” ~ Steven Horne, author of The Heart’s Key to Health, Happiness and Success and developer of NSP’s flower essences.

There are seven new formulas which each contain seven flowers or botanicals. Each formula was carefully chosen for its unique properties to enable the creation of high-quality emotional remedies providing vital emotional support and balaance.

1. Distress Remedy (emotional balance formula)

This flower remedy is the most popular on the market. This natural flower essence remedy may assist the body with occasional emotional distress and promote emotional balance. It is designed to balance or center an emotional state. Use in times of stress or tension.

2. Keep Cool (vented anger emotional remedy)

The Keep Cool flower essence remedy may assist the body with feelings of anger and irritability. Help control anger, fear and grief; calm temper. Designed for a controlling, domineering personality.

3. Find Strength (suppressed anger emotional remedy)

This natural flower essence remedy may assist the body with emotional strength and help deal with occasional emotional stress. For people who tend to suppress their anger. Find the strength to stand up for yourself.

4. Release It (vented grief emotional remedy)

This natural flower essence remedy may assist the body with the grieving process and past emotional distress. For those who need to release grief. Let go of past victimhood or sadness.

5. Open Heart (suppressed grief emotional remedy)

The Open Heart flower essence remedy may assist the body with the ability to love, with suppressed emotion, and with empathy and compassion. For those who suppress grief or who lack empathy or compassion for others. It may help you feel more love for others.

6. Be Courageous (vented fear emotional remedy)

This natural flower essence remedy may assist the body with courage and self confidence, overcoming indecisiveness and uncertainty, and nervous tension. For those who have fear or need help making decisions and moving forward in the direction you want to go.

7. Be Response-Able (suppressed fear emotional remedy)

Be Response-Able natural flower essence remedy may assist the body with promoting responsibility and dealing with self-defeating behavior. Be aware of what you’re doing. Take charge of life in a responsible way.

What kinds of flowers are you attracted to?  Did you ever wonder why?

Do An Assessment to See Which Flower Essence Is For You

Find out more or order the flower essences:

Put a Little Sunshine Into Your Children's Lives

Are you worried that your kids aren't getting enough nutrition from the food they are eating?  Do they get sick often, lack energy, don't get enough fresh air and sunshine because they are watching too much TV or playing too many video games.  Or maybe they have trouble paying attention in school, staying on task, or trouble socializing with the other children.  We suggest that you take a serious look at the Sunshine Heroes line of supplements for children.  Nature's Sunshine offers high quality, good tasting supplements that your kids will actually look forward to taking.  

Did you know that many behavior problems with children are also linked to poor eating habits and lack of nutrition? The results of a study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, shows that children with malnutrition signs at age 3  were more aggressive or hyperactive at age 8 years, had more externalizing problems at age 11, and had greater conduct disorder and excessive motor activity at age 17. The American Journal of Psychiatry, VOL. 161, No. 11

Find out more about Sunshine Heroes Supplements for Kids

Nature's Sunshine Solstic Products Are Simple, Quick & Easy

Have you tried the capsules, pills and latest, greatest healthy juice drinks only to find that they take up lots of space in your cabinet or on your shelf, and that you hate taking capsules and pills?  You know that the quality of food and all of the processed stuff is not good for you, but you just can't seem to find the time to make everything from scratch, or to cook the kind of meals you know you should be eating.  Does this sound like you?  

There are many families today that are having difficulty finding time to prepare healthy meals, that's why the fast-food industry is so huge in this country.  That's also why sales of frozen, canned and boxed processed foods are at an all time high.  

If you are in search of supplements that really work, are easy to use, and are made of the highest quality ingredients in the world, then you have finally found what you are looking for.  

Order Solstic Products at Ye Old Herb Barn

Solstic Twenty Four

Solstic Energy

Solstic Cardio

Solstic Immune

Solstic Revive

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Low nutrition foods, or what we refer to as "pseudo foods" are everywhere!  They look like real food, but they are actually "malnutrition" in a bag, box, can or from a drive-thru window.   They are also full of toxic chemicals, and deprive us of getting the much needed fuel that every cell in our bodies need.  This is something we can only get from real food sources that have vitamins, minerals and enzymes in them.  In fact, did you know that when a product say on the label that it is "enriched," that actually means that they have stripped most of the good stuff out and have most likely put chemicals, fillers and synthetic vitamins in them?  So when we look at the misleading food labels and think that enriched means that they have added extra vitamins and minerals, what it actually means is that the processing of the food stripped the nutrition out, and they have added it back in with artificial nutrients, which are usually toxic.  Not only are the "enriching" ingredients usually toxic, but they are also using toxic preservatives!  So what are these pseudo-foods doing to our bodies?  Let's take a closer look at some of the statistics.

Have you noticed that there are far more overweight and obese people in the world now, than there has ever been before.  Here is a quote from Dr. Jeffry Weiss that really forces us to take a look at what has happened:  In the period 1950-2000, "obesity rose by 214% until today, where 64.5 percent of adult Americans (about 127 million) are categorized as being overweight or obese. The average American weighs 30 lbs. more today than 100 years ago.

Early man ate only enough to meet his caloric requirements. Present day inhabitants continue to eat for a very different reason: to gain a euphoric feeling through the chemicals released in the body by the foods we eat. And what are these chemicals that are so powerful as to induce behaviors that are sometimes irrational and often detrimental to our health and continued evolution? Endorphins.

In 1993, an experiment was conducted to determine the power of endorphins. Scientists inserted electrodes into the brains of rats. After the rats ran a maze, they could either pull a lever, which would, through the electrodes, trigger the release of endorphins, or they could pull a lever that provided non-endorphin releasing food. The observable results were that the rats chose endorphins, neglecting food, which, in some cases, resulted in death. And each day we run our own maze, fueled predominately by food, rewarded by endorphins and the euphoric feelings they provide." ~  Dr. Jeffry Weiss (Why We Eat . . . . and why we keep 
eating.) A study done by Paul Johnson and Paul Kenny at the Scripps Research Institute (2008) suggested that junk food consumption alters brain activity in a manner similar to addictive drugs like cocaine or heroin.

So are these chemicals they are putting in our food causing us to keep eating the things we know are bad for us, just so that we can get the reward of feeling euphoric? Are they addicting? The studies and the evidence seem to be pointing to a big fat "yes!" Foods that have been enriched no longer contain the vitamins and minerals that were intended by nature, and instead contain an adulterated, often toxic version. These foods may fill up your stomach for the moment, but in the end you will end up mal-nurished, and crave more and more foods. Not only that, but since these toxins are fat soluble, they can also accumulate in our fatty tissues and, according to many studies, possibly over time cause cancers and other serious dis-ease and illnesses.

The key to better health and weight loss then, seems to be in choosing good, healthy, organic food and staying away from most of the processed garbage. But, in today's busy world, sometimes it is really hard to find the time to do that. We have a friend who is an over-the-road trucker. He has had two heart attacks and is now a type II diabetic. When we questioned him about his typical diet for a week, we were shocked! He eats fast food three times a day, snacks, and drinks sodas frequently. He told us that there aren't hardly any truck stops anymore that have regular restaurants in them. They have all moved into the fast food lane .

So what can we do to get better nutrition? It's simple, we have to supplement with concentrated, good quality, whole food vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, enzymes etc. It is our opinion, that everyone, including children should supplement their diet. We simply can't get enough from the food sources we have now. In many cases, as people begin to put back the nutrition their bodies crave, weight issues tend to become re-balanced, as well as many other health issues. We have even noticed many times, that when people feed their bodies properly, all of the sugar and high carb cravings just seem to magically disappear.

Here are some great supplements that have whole-food and super-food nutrients in them:

To view a listing of all of our supplements with in depth information see our

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Can you imagine how wonderful it would be if you could stop guessing which herbs and supplements are the right ones for you, and you could know for sure which ones will help you?

We have some exciting news for you.  You can now use ZYTO Compass to do just that.  Zyto compass scans your body and generates a feedback report that tells you which Nature's Sunshine products will work to help you balance your body.

No more issues with trying different supplements, only to find out that certain ones just aren't working for you.  They may work for your spouse or best friend, but that is because we are all uniquely different; and so we require different things to keep our bodys in balance.  Now you can save time and money because you will know exactly which supplements to purchase, and take, because it is based on your ZYTO Compass bio scan.  This is "21st Century Technology" at its best.

This exciting new technology, which has been used in NASA since the 1970's.  ZYTO Compass is cutting edge technology that is now available to the public.  People from all walks of life are getting huge benefits from usish ZYTO Compass technology.  

Finally!  A great article in the Jacksonville, FL news talks about some of the crucial issues regarding health and aging that we have been teaching people for years.  In essence, it discusses beauty and aging from an inside out perspective.  In the article, it talks about the problems being two-fold, exposure to too many toxins and a lack of much needed vitamins.  You can read the article here:

Don't Get Old Before Your Time!
Get High Quality Supplements
Start your health revolution today! The key is to take action now. Remember, the definition of insanity is: "Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting to get different results." :)