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Ye Old Herb Barn
At Ye Old Herb Barn, we believe that true healing can only occur if three things are in balance. Those things are body, mind and spirit. If any of them are not truly in balance, then physical and emotional imbalances occur and cause problems. We are dedicated to serving others by teaching them how they can achieve true health. We offer several wellness assessments, both in-person and by internet. We hold local classes on various topics related to holistic health, as well as webinars and conference calls. Please check our calendar for more information. We are dedicated to your health and wellness. We believe that education is the key to making informed choices about your own health. Your health IS your responsibility!
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NATURE'S SUNSHINE - 40 years & still going strong! Best quality, best price. Order Nature's Sunshine Supplements. View our A to Z product guide.
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Can you imagine how wonderful it would be if you could stop guessing which herbs and supplements are the right ones for you, and you could know for sure which ones will help you?

We have some exciting news for you.  You can now use ZYTO Compass to do just that.  Zyto compass scans your body and generates a feedback report that tells you which Nature's Sunshine products will work to help you balance your body.

No more issues with trying different supplements, only to find out that certain ones just aren't working for you.  They may work for your spouse or best friend, but that is because we are all uniquely different; and so we require different things to keep our bodys in balance.  Now you can save time and money because you will know exactly which supplements to purchase, and take, because it is based on your ZYTO Compass bio scan.  This is "21st Century Technology" at its best.

This exciting new technology, which has been used in NASA since the 1970's.  ZYTO Compass is cutting edge technology that is now available to the public.  People from all walks of life are getting huge benefits from usish ZYTO Compass technology.  


Start your health revolution today! The key is to take action now. Remember, the definition of insanity is: "Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting to get different results." :)