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- Ye Old Herb Barn
- At Ye Old Herb Barn, we believe that true healing can only occur if three things are in balance. Those things are body, mind and spirit. If any of them are not truly in balance, then physical and emotional imbalances occur and cause problems. We are dedicated to serving others by teaching them how they can achieve true health. We offer several wellness assessments, both in-person and by internet. We hold local classes on various topics related to holistic health, as well as webinars and conference calls. Please check our calendar for more information. We are dedicated to your health and wellness. We believe that education is the key to making informed choices about your own health. Your health IS your responsibility!
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Monday, October 10, 2011
We cordially invite you to attend an Herbal Hour Seminar
How to Use Essential Oils for Healing
Monday, October 24, 2011 at 7:00 PM
Ye Old Herb Barn
Laurel, Indiana 47024
As the ‘life force’ or essence of plants, essential oils are the physical expression of plant spirit. Their purpose in a plant is to protect it from stresses of all kinds – pesky visitors, bacteria, fungi and other microbes. They also serve to heal the plant’s wounds, prevent dehydration and survive under difficult growing conditions. And just as essential oils help to protect and heal plants, these same properties can benefit us as well. Essential Oils can be used in many ways, including healing, mood enhancement, or even as a natural cleaner. Join us and learn how you can use this extraordinary energy provided by nature to enhance your life.
Be sure to check our events calendar for future meetings. You might also be interested in getting our blog posts to keep you updated. Please come and show your support for us and the herbal community. And feel free to bring a friend. Questions? Call 765-698-1493 or email
essential oils,
healing oils,
herbal hour
Start your health revolution today! The key is to take action now. Remember, the definition of insanity is: "Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting to get different results." :)