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Ye Old Herb Barn
At Ye Old Herb Barn, we believe that true healing can only occur if three things are in balance. Those things are body, mind and spirit. If any of them are not truly in balance, then physical and emotional imbalances occur and cause problems. We are dedicated to serving others by teaching them how they can achieve true health. We offer several wellness assessments, both in-person and by internet. We hold local classes on various topics related to holistic health, as well as webinars and conference calls. Please check our calendar for more information. We are dedicated to your health and wellness. We believe that education is the key to making informed choices about your own health. Your health IS your responsibility!
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NATURE'S SUNSHINE - 40 years & still going strong! Best quality, best price. Order Nature's Sunshine Supplements. View our A to Z product guide.
Free Initial Phone Consultation
& Counseling Sessions By Phone

  • Call us today for your free initial phone consultation.
  • We can also set up weekly, monthly or other counseling sessions by phone
Distance Muscle Testing

Long distance muscle testing is offered to our clients, which works by clearly directing thought focus and sensing your energy field. With this skill we can be in one location and you, the client in another location. We can test your energy field and what is being tested against it using a surrogate test.

No, this is not magic.  It is simply explained by realization of the fact that we all have a natural extention of ourselves, or what is commonly called our energy field, which surrounds every living thing around us as well. 

We are all vibrational beings, which is something we all learned in grade school science class.  Every single molecule has it's own vibration, and it vibrates at a certain frequency that cannot be seen by the human eye.

Every part of our bodies vibrate at various frequencies.  Science calls this our electromagnetic field which, and this field interacts with other fields in the universe. It's like when we can sense that someone is staring at us, or when someone has entered the room and we didn't see them, but we can feel that they are there.  This is an example of our enery field interacting with theirs.
Our thoughts are part of this field, and they translate to us what the field is transmitting to us. It's like when you meet someone for the first time and you have a sense that they are not friendly or feel that they are a mean spirited person - your energy has interacted with theirs and found something there that feels wrong or disruptive. Your mind takes this response and translates it into an uncomfortable feeling or thought like “I don't like being around that person" or "that person has negative vibes”. 

When you understand that this kind of interaction exists, it allows you to begin understanding and sensing the response that we have to everything else in the world around us.
Bio-energy response, known as kinesiology or muscle testing, is one way of sensing positive and negative responses through the energy field.  It is very practical and can be used to help others identify what is helpful or harmful to them.
Since our brain will translate energy interactions thoughts and words, we can actually turn this process around and initiate our thoughts to direct our energy responses to certain questions or thoughts.
The energy then follows the command of the brain and provides us with a response, reaction or action. 

Contact us at (765) 698-1493
Start your health revolution today! The key is to take action now. Remember, the definition of insanity is: "Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting to get different results." :)